1. Because of the increased risks of severe illness and even death to those over 65 and those with underlying diseases and/or compromised immune systems, everyone who meets these criteria, or lives with someone who meets these criteria, is encouraged to stay home.
2. Anyone who is sick or shows any symptoms such as a fever, persistent cough, or difficulty breathing needs to stay home.
3. Masks are required to be worn during services. If you are unable, because of difficulties breathing with a mask on, or if you are unwilling to wear a mask during worship, please stay home. Children under two are not required to wear masks.
4. Six-foot social distancing will be required. Families will be seated together.
5. Please enter the building through the doors under the drive through.
6. Please bring your own Bible. Hymnals and Bibles will be removed from the pews to help prevent transmission of the virus through possible contamination of these items.
7. There will be no congregational singing. There will be congregational participation in Calls to Worship, Apostles Creed, the Lord’s Prayer etc. There may be Special Music from time to time.
8. Hand sanitizer will be provided at all entrances, and you are encouraged to use it.
9. Offering plates will be place at the entrance and exit. Offering plates will not be passed.
10. There will be no children’s time or nursery. Children may remain in the sanctuary with their families during the service.